Monday, March 3, 2008

Trinity Paige

Trinity was born around 8:30pm by emergency C-section. She was in distress and the c-section was decided in minutes. She weighed 3lbs and 3oz and had to be revived at birth. We we wheeled into recovery and told that we needed to be off the maturnity ward since our baby wasnt going to stay there. Those words stayed with me for hours as I awaited to see my baby girl that I had not yet met. Finally a team of Vanderbilt nurses wheeled my new baby girl "Trinity"in to see us before the "Gaurdian Angel" ambulance took her to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. Until now I did'nt know where triniy was headed. All I knew was what the nurses at Cookeville General Hospital had said earlier about my baby would'nt be staying there. All I could think was I had to get to Vanderbilt so I checked myself out at 6:30 the next morning. I made my trip to Vanderbilt daily and waited for answers from doctors but no one could tell me what was wrong. The staff treated us like family caring for Trinity and putting up with all the phone calls that came in from our family that checked on Triniy. We prayed every second of every day.
Thenone day a new doctor came in and talked with us. I was not prepared what lay in store for us from this day on. Trinity had been diagnosed with Trisomy 18 syndrome. This caused her many medical problems. She had 3 holes in her heart, could'nt breathe on her own, club footed and syndrome appearance. With Trisomy 18 Syndrome about 90% never live through birth and out of the 10% that do another 90% never make it past 7 days old. The odds were against Trinity. I felt devastated and overwhelmed with hate. Then realizing Trinity's fate I braced myself for the worst. Day in and out I hoped for a miracle and begged god to help my child and prayed like I had never prayed before. Still Trinity fought and hung on and several times had setbacks. She stopped breathing over and over again. Her heart pumped and lost blood. She was confined to an incubator the entire short life she lived. She had all sorts of tubes coming out of her body and yet the staff were so caring even after learning my baby girls diagnoses. Trinity lived yet 9 days even beating statistical odds! I thank God that I was able to spend that short time with her but God has a rocking chair and different paths of each life to be lived. Trinity touched so many hearts and the caring staff, I will never forget you. I can never imagine how you do it on a day to day basis. I thank you for all you have done and know that we honor you and keep you in our prayers. You made an everlasting impression on me!
Jennifer Ortlepp Family

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